In March 2014 the LSC-Virgo meeting will be hosted by the Artemis group (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur). It will take place at Nice, France, in the Acropolis center.
March 17th and 18th are reserved for f2f meetings while the plenary meeting will take place March 19th - 21st.
The meeting program is hosted on the LVC wiki.
Please register early! For registration and payment you will be redirect to a dedicated system.
After the VLC Meeting end, on Friday afternoon, 21th March, is organized a Workshop on Parametric Instabilities in gravitational waves advanced detectors. It is hosted by the University, not far from Acropolis. More details here
Local Committee team:
Man Nary-Catherine, Chair
Ndiaye Seyna, Secretary
Andrieux David
Bogaert Gilles, webmaster
Boër Michel
Kéfélian Fabien
Pichot du Mezeray Mikhaël
Regimbau Tania
Meeting Secretary email artemis.admin at - Phone +33 4 92 00 31 89
Webmaster: lvc2014-nice at